Growing up in Vadodara in the Indian state of Gujarat, TJ Ajmeri quickly realized the interwoven nature between education and well-being. While attending the Zenith Primary School, the idea of education as a fundamental right to children became clear. 

At the age of 10, TJ immigrated to New York, finished high school, and enlisted in the United States Army. It was there that TJ met his wife. Among their shared interests and beliefs, one immediately rose to the top: education. TJ and his wife found any way they could help to support, including donations, purchases of sandals and socks for the local village school, and meals to children in India. In their next phase in life, they began raising their two children with an emphasis and passion for gaining new knowledge, interests, and abilities. 

Unfortunately, in 2017, TJ’s wife was diagnosed with brain cancer. After a hard-fought battle, TJ’s wife passed. To keep an everlasting commitment to education access, in 2023, TJ co-founded the Brain Fire Foundation. His wife’s legacy and children’s future drive him every day with an inner fire to make an impact. 

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